This year, probably more than ever, we have been impatiently waiting for this springtime to kick in. Being locked in the house while outside is cold, grey and raining is even more depressing, and very hard to manage when you have small children like us… So we got all excited, finally we could go out in the garden, play football, have a barbecue, go round and round in cirles with our bicycles, pick flowers and watch butterflies. Instead, just as the calendar was turning on the page of the 21st of March, we got another surprise: springtime decided to hold back for a little longer. Maybe it was disappointed when she saw all the empty parks, fields and streets. Nobody was around to welcome her. She turned around and sent back strong winds, cold weather and even snow around the mountains. We got all our warm sweaters out again, closed the doors and watch another wave of the longest winter ever coming back.
But finally today she must have realised that all the flowers, the trees, the animals, and also all of us, were all ready for her warm embrace…
Happy springtime everyone!